
Beetroot – carrot – potato puree

If some texture is tolerated, serve with smoked trout or smoked salmon, or keep some of the cooked vegetable cubes and mix in with the puree. This puree actually is popular with children who otherwise are not fans of vegetables.



  1. In a saucepan, heat a little oil over moderate heat. Add onions and garlic, sweat for a few minutes. Add potato, carrot, beetroot cubes and sweat for a few more minutes. Add nutmeg and seasoning. Add stock and bring to the boil. Reduce heat slightly and simmer for about 20 minutes, until all vegetables are soft. Remove from heat. Blend to a smooth consistency, pass through a fine-meshed sieve (if you are aiming for a puree with texture, take out about a third of the soft vegetable cubes, blend the rest, then add the vegetable cubes back