
Rich ice cream (parfait) in many flavours

This recipe will give you a rich and very smooth delicate ice cream that can be made in many different fruit flavours. It is a little bit of work but worth the effort: because of its richness it may allow you to enjoy fruit that may not be so enjoyable to eat in other forms. Only use fresh eggs for this recipe.


for the fruit puree:

for the ice cream base:


  1. Line a loaf tin with cling film.
  2. To make the blackberry puree, put all puree ingredients in a saucepan and heat, stirring occasionally, until the berries are broken up. Blend the mixture and pass the puree through a fine-meshed sieve, pressing with the back of a spoon. Set aside to cool.
  3. Whip the cream with a pinch of salt, put in the fridge until needed. Whisk the eggs and yolks with the sugar (over a hot water bath, a ‘bain marie’) until you have a pale and creamy mix, thick enough to coat a spoon. Remove from the water bath and continue whisking until cooled. Then add the whipped cream and the blackberry puree, mix everything carefully. Pour mixture into lined loaf tin, cover with cling film and freeze for several hours. Move from freezer to fridge for about 30 minutes to one hour before serving.


This ice cream base mixture works for many smooth fruit purees (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, apricots, peaches, mango, black currants). You can omit the fruit puree altogether and instead flavour the creamy egg mixture with a tsp of ground cinnamon for a delicate cinnamon parfait.